How It Works

AppySleep is designed to help you stop snoring by gently encouraging a change in your sleeping position. Just wear the AppySleep wristband and turn on the app. So how does it work?

Discover the power of AppySleep

The main goal of AppySleep is to train your body to adjust your position and stop snoring. The AppySleep wristband and app work together to monitor, record, analyze, and treat snoring.
The wristband sends gentle vibrations based on your sleep patterns and app settings.
These vibrations prompt you to change positions to stop snoring, becoming a subconscious habit.

AppySleep is a
snoring treatment

The AppySleep app monitors your snoring volume while you sleep. When it reaches a set level, the app sends a signal to a bracelet on your arm, which vibrates to prompt you to change your sleeping position.

Over time, you will learn to adjust on your own and reduce snoring by finding the ideal settings for vibration intensity, repetition frequency, and activation volume.

Personalize AppySleep Your Way!

By default, the app uses optimal vibration settings, but you can adjust sensitivity, minimize disturbance, customize vibration duration, and set treatment intervals. Find more about customization in the video.
watch the video

AppySleep In-Depth Explanation Revealed


Complete your body metrics in the App during registration for accurate analysis and treatment adjustments.


Turn on the vibration and irregular breathing pattern settings for your first use; keep other settings at default.


Before sleep, put on the wristband and press "Play" in the App to start recording your sleep.


If snoring is detected, the wristband will vibrate to prompt you to change your sleeping position.


After each session, save your sleep data. Adjust vibration settings for better results. You can find out how to set up the vibration and learn more about all settings in the FAQ.
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